We’re excited to announce an upgrade to our hosting platform which will see all new and existing hosting accounts moved onto a purpose built, cloud hosted platform.

Our new, bespoke cloud hosting platform will provide an advanced, stable environment for websites so if you have an existing website hosted with us you’ll benefit almost immedaitely.  If however you aren’t currently using our hosting service, please cast your eye over the major benefits below and contact us for further information.

The main benefits of cloud hosting include:


Your websites and databases will be powered by multiple servers with no single point of failure. This means that should one server be out of action for any period of time for whatever reason, another will take over to ensure that your web site remains visible and fully accessible.


Faster page load speeds mean your visitors enjoy a better browsing experience regardless of when and how they choose to access your website. This ensures the best possible first impression for prospective clients.


Our cloud clusters are set up to support each other and instantly provide the fastest and best option to serve your website at any given moment. Created by some of the most experienced people in the hosting industry, our platform has been purpose built from the ground up to ensure it suits existing systems and infrastructure perfectly.


Downtime has been practically eliminated, which means happier businesses and happier visitors across the board. Your website is always available when you and your customers need it.

All existing accounts will be moved onto the new platform by the end of the year but all new accounts will benefit immediately from these improvments.